If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of athletes, runners, fitness buffs, or active lifers in Calgary who also owns a furry four-legged friend by the name of Fido (or Bailey, or Buddy, or Max, or Bella, or Charlie…) then I’m sure you have said on more than one occasion that there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done.
From getting to and from the gym, changing, showering, and actually getting your workout in, staying fit and healthy can take up a lot of your time. When you add in an active pooch that needs play time, exercise, and excitement of their own, a lot of the hours in your day can quickly disappear! To those of you who can manage to juggle everything, I loudly applaud you and would love to know your secret. To those who don’t, there are ways to get it all in! This is where Fitness with Fido comes in, a new program being offered by Cultured Canines, a local dog training company.
“Calgarians have a pretty hectic lifestyle! Many people don’t have time to walk their dog and work out,” says Beth O’Connor, founder and owner of Cultured Canines, “And dog obesity is becoming a huge issue.” When Beth’s first dog, Jett, was killed by a car three years ago, she realized that her former dog training just hadn’t been good enough, and a passion to help people properly train their dogs in real life situations was born. “I don’t want anyone to have to endure what my family did with Jett,” she says, and has developed a program to help people see the immense potential in their dogs – all without treats, and all in outdoor, real-life situations.
Cultured Canines was already thriving and helping dogs and their owners around the city when Malori Stan started going to classes with her dog Clyde. Malori, a fitness enthusiast herself, saw the potential for a fitness tie-in with the classes, and Fitness with Fido was born. “I’m tired of having to choose between my health and the health of my dog. Obesity in both people and dogs is a major concern, and Fitness with Fido is a simple solution,” Malori says. What Beth describes as “a boot-camp-style workout set in a variety of Calgary’s beautiful parks”, this fantastic program makes fitness fun for people and their dogs and creates a healthy living experience that both can look forward to. The warm and entertaining duo are excited to start the programs in May, and forsee an increase in canine health in Calgary with the introduction of more classes like these. Their passion for their dogs and their health is evident when speaking with either of them, and their positivity is infectious.
“Classes will be fun and engaging for both you and your pooch. We are inclusive to all fitness levels and we understand that success looks different for everyone,” says Beth, “We are open, welcoming, and friendly!”